What is the use of Bilayered Tablet of Metformin Teneligliptin?

bilayered tablets of Metformin

The specific use of bilayered tablets of Metformin Teneligliptin is to control type-2 diabetes. This tablet is a combination of two anti-diabetic drugs that are effective against the raised blood glucose levels. Both drugs work together to regulate glucose in the blood and increase the sensitivity of insulin in the body. 

Uses of Metformin and Teneligliptin tablets: 

Metformin is a well-known anti-diabetic drug that lowers the production of glucose in the liver. On the other hand, Teneligliptin works by increasing the excretion of insulin from the pancreas to regulate the sugar in the blood. As a combination, both drugs effectively treat diabetes in patients who are not treatable alone by Metformin. 

What is type- 2 diabetes? 

A regular raised blood sugar level in blood is associated with type 2 diabetes. In the human body, the pancreas excrete insulin to break down sugar and transform it into energy. When the pancreas does not release enough insulin to regulate glucose then blood glucose levels increase and remain persistent, which is diagnosed as diabetes. 

Symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes in the initial stages does not produce any specific symptoms. In later stages, it produces symptoms like. 

  • Increased thirst 
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Blurry vision 
  • Fatigue 
  • Weakness
  • Frequent urination 
  • Vertigo 

If someone is experiencing these symptoms, they must consult a doctor immediately and run a test for blood sugar levels in their body. 

Why are diabetes patients increasing in India?

Diabetes has become a major concern for the Indian healthcare system. In recent years, Indians have become prominent victims of diabetes. One out of every four Indians is diagnosed as diabetic patients, and these numbers are gradually increasing. Our sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, and too much intake of processed sugar tremendously affect pancreatic function, which eventually leads to underperforming and refraining from releasing enough insulin. Later this persistent condition leads to the development of diabetes. 

PCD pharma franchise business around anti-diabetic medicines 

As the population of diabetic patients is rising in India. Pharmaceutical companies are rigorously manufacturing and supplying anti-diabetic medicines to meet the high demand and supply in the market. That is promotion of PCD pharma franchise services is essential to reach the most remote areas in the country

For this purpose, Sanes Pharmaceutical manufactures every effective anti-diabetic medicine named TENASAN-M 20/500 Tablets. (Bilayered Tablet of Metformin(SR) 500 mg + Teneligliptin 20 mg). This anti-diabetic medicine is the most selling and cost-effective tablet in the market. We are offering PCD pharma franchise opportunities to include these tablets in your marketing list. Find more information and details about various medicines on our website. 

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